The Amazing Butterfly & 

Fantasy art of charris Segal

        Dragonfly Faery 2020 "8x10"

Acrylic Indian Ink Paints & Metallics

              On Cold Press Paper

It's been months. But I've managed to create this new picture. Usually I don't display images with some mature things. But I had to draw and paint what my mind created all by itself. I have a good memory while I'm half asleep or meditating. But this exotic sexy faery appeared to me in my head. She was naked. But she was sitting one a rock and she appeared to have lighter blue skin and dark blue hair. The same goes for her exposed pink nipples. The only thing which wasn't in my head were the lily pads. But I chose to add them in to have the picture stand out.   

          Original image is for sale.

           Original image is $230.00