Moving Forward 2022 "11x14"

  Acrylic Indian Ink Paints & Metallics

                  On Cold Press Paper

Back in the year of 2003, I remember writing down in one of my journals about seeing Orca Killer Whales. I remembered that I encountered them in my dream. Despite that Orcas are apex predators, they were very friendly towards me. I recall petting one of them too. So I felt inspired after I reread my journal about them. It's very nice about Orcas is that they symbolize empowerment, harmony, protection, intuition, creativity, travel, and personal discovery. The Orcas to me are also a reminder to continue to believe in oneself. That is why I call this painting 'Moving Forward.' 



                                                                                         Small print for an "8x11 is $10.00 

                    Greeting card is $5.00        

The Amazing Butterfly & 

Fantasy art of charris Segal